Many different kinds of boats have been used as fishing boats to catch fish in the sea, or on a lake or river. At the moment, there are about 1.8 million boats with a traditional craft of various types, operated by sail and oars. These few words here, are about the boats used for fishing that are or were built from designs that existed before engines became available.
Early fishing vessels included rafts, dugout canoes, reed boats, and boats constructed from a frame covered with hide or tree bark, such as coracles. The oldest boats found by archaeological excavation are dugout canoes dating back to the Neolithic Period around seven-nine thousand years ago. These canoes were often cut from coniferous tree logs, using simple stone tools. These early vessels had limited capability; they could float and move on water, but were not suitable for use any great distance from the shoreline. They were used mainly for fishing and hunting.

Thai Traditional Fishing Boats
The development of fishing boats took place in parallel with the development of boats built for trade and war. Early navigators began to use animal skins or woven fabrics for sails. Affixed to a pole set upright in the boat, these sails gave early boats more range, allowing voyages of exploration.
A raft is a structure with a flat top that floats. It is the most basic boat design, characterized by the absence of a hull. The classic raft is constructed by lashing several logs, placed side by side, to two or more additional logs placed transverse to the others. In many Asian countries, the rafts are similarly constructed using bamboo.

Vietnamese Traditional Fishing Boat
Boats, rafts and even small floating islands have been made from reeds. Reed rafts can be distinguished from reed boats, since the rafts are not made watertight.
Coracles are light boats shaped like a bowl, typically with a frame of woven grass or reeds, or strong saplings covered with animal hides. The keel-less, flat bottom evenly spreads the weight across the structure reducing the required depth of water often to only a few inches. Coracles have been used, and to a degree are still used, in India, Vietnam, Iraq, Tibet, North America and Britain.

A canoe is a small narrow boat, usually pointed at both bow and stern and normally open on top, though they can be covered. A dugout is a canoe hollowed from a tree trunk. The oldest known canoe is the dugout Pesse canoe found in the Netherlands.
This short article is based entirely on Wikipedia. The traditional fishing boats subject is too large and complex. Anyway this here is more like a data bank.
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