I have to say that I never thought of this blog as a general one. It is not. It is a blog dedicated to yachtsmen all over the world, even if they own or not their boat, but it can be visited and enjoyed by any other person. For them this time, there is the need for a series of posts explaining some nautical terminology. When sailing, it is essential to know the terminology used to describe the boat fittings as well as the precise terms used to define the various maneuverings. This is available … [Read more...]
6 Nautical Terms and other Tips
Some nautical terms need to be mentioned, this blog is for everybody, not only for specialists. LOA means Length Over All, and is the longest length of the yacht. LWL is the Length of the Water Line. Hull is the shell and framework of the floating part of the boat. As a tip, you can know what could be the approximate speed of a boat, just knowing the LWL. This is called Hull Speed, sometimes displacement speed, and is the square root of LWL in feet, multiplied with a constant, calculated … [Read more...]